Unit D

Graph Cuts

Cut Theorem

Flow Networks

Residual Graphs

Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

  1. Initialize $f(e) = 0$ for all $e \in E$
  2. Construct residual network $G_f$
  3. While there is an augmenting path $p$ in $G_f$:

Number of Iterations?

Edmonds-Karp Algorithm

Same thing except for step 3 - while there is an augmenting path, let $p$ be the path with the fewest hops. $\Theta(\text{min}(Ef^*, VE^2))$

Showing correctness of Ford-Fulkerson/Showing max flow

Edge-Disjoint Paths

Reduction - convert vertex-disjoint problem into edge-disjoint by copying each node, one connected to incoming edges and one to outgoing

Maximum bipartite matching (dog lovers and dogs)

Problem statement - a graph $(L, R, E)$


  1. Make $G$ into $G’$
  2. Compute max flow on $G’$
  3. Return $M$ as all ‘middle edges’ with flow 1

MBM is a reduction of MF


Easier problem reduces to the harder problem. If $A$ reduces to $B$, we denote this as $A \le_p B$, unless it reduces linearly, in which we denote it $A \le_n B$



Lower bound proofs

We know that if $A \in \Omega(f(n))$ then $B \in \Omega(f(n))$, so $A \le_p B$. Both MIS and MVC are NP-Complete.

Maximum Independent Set (MIS)

$S \subseteq V$ is an independent set if no two nodes in $S$ share an edge



Generalized Baseball (MinVertCov)



Conversion from MIS to MVC



Solvers reduce to deciders


P = NP, how to prove

If any NP-hard or NP-complete (which is NP-hard) problem can be solved in polynomial time, then P = NP


To prove:


Reduce to $k$IS