Unit D
21 Apr 2022Graph Cuts
- Cut - A partition of a graph $(V, E)$ into two sets $S$ and $V-S$. You either respect or cross the cut
Cut Theorem
- A set of edges $A \subseteq T$, where $T$ is an MST, let $(S, V-S)$ be any cut which $A$ respects. $A \cup {e}$ is also a subset of an MST.
Flow Networks
- Graph $G = (V, E)$
- Source node $s \in V$
- Sink node $t \in V$
- Edge capacities $c(e) \in \mathbb{R}^+$
- Inflow must equal outflow $\forall v \in V - {s, t}$
- Augmenting paths contains only
- Non-full forward edges
- Non-empty backward edges
- Bottleneck capacity - edge in augmenting path with lowest capacity
Residual Graphs
- $G_f$ models additional flow that is possible
- Forward edge - how much flow could I add? $c(e) - f(e)$
- Backward edge - how much flow could I remove? $f(e)$
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm
- Initialize $f(e) = 0$ for all $e \in E$
- Construct residual network $G_f$
- While there is an augmenting path $p$ in $G_f$:
- $c$ = bottleneck capacity (may be a difference of $c(e) - f(e)$ at some node, not just $c(e)$ unless it’s the first iteration)
- Add $c$ unit of flows to $G$ based on augmenting path $p$
Number of Iterations?
Integer-valued capacities, min-weight is 1, number of iterations is bounded by max flow ($ f^* $) - Rational values - integer capacity, $\approx 2^{32}$
- Irrational values could lead to an infinite loop
Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
Same thing except for step 3 - while there is an augmenting path, let $p$ be the path with the fewest hops. $\Theta(\text{min}(Ef^*, VE^2))$
Showing correctness of Ford-Fulkerson/Showing max flow
- $MaxFlow$ is $\Theta(E*V)$
- Build the cut by ssurrounding the areas when augmenting paths stop
- Sum forward edges that cross the cut
Edge-Disjoint Paths
Reduction - convert vertex-disjoint problem into edge-disjoint by copying each node, one connected to incoming edges and one to outgoing
Maximum bipartite matching (dog lovers and dogs)
Problem statement - a graph $(L, R, E)$
- Make $G$ into $G’$
- Compute max flow on $G’$
- Return $M$ as all ‘middle edges’ with flow 1
MBM is a reduction of MF
Easier problem reduces to the harder problem. If $A$ reduces to $B$, we denote this as $A \le_p B$, unless it reduces linearly, in which we denote it $A \le_n B$
- EDP reduces to MF
- VDP reduces to EDP reduces to MF
- MBM reduces to MF
- we want this to be the slow partsolve(B->A)
Lower bound proofs
We know that if $A \in \Omega(f(n))$ then $B \in \Omega(f(n))$, so $A \le_p B$. Both MIS and MVC are NP-Complete.
Maximum Independent Set (MIS)
$S \subseteq V$ is an independent set if no two nodes in $S$ share an edge
- Convert to decision by saying ‘Can I have a $k$ sized independent set?’
- Check if size $k$ - $\Theta(V)$
- Check independent set - $\Theta(V^2)$
Generalized Baseball (MinVertCov)
Fewest number of defenders needed
Convert to decision by saying ‘Can I have a $k$ sized vertex cover?’
- Check if size $k$ - $\Theta(V)$
- Check each edge connected to vertex - $\Theta(E)$
Conversion from MIS to MVC
- $S$ is an independent set of $G$ iff $V - S$ is a vertex cover of $G$
- Consider any edge $E \in V$, there must be only one endpoint of $v_1 \oplus v_2 \in S$, and the other must be in the complement
Solvers reduce to deciders
- NP - Verifiable in polynomial time (requires a certificate, or proposed solution)
- $B$ is NP-Hard if $\forall A \in NP, A \le_p B$ - every NP/P problem can be reduced to this NP-Hard
P = NP, how to prove
If any NP-hard or NP-complete (which is NP-hard) problem can be solved in polynomial time, then P = NP
- The ‘hardest’ problems in NP
To prove:
- Prove NP (verifiable in polynomial time)
- Prove NP-hard, show a reduction for every problem in NP or show a reduction from another NP-hard problem.
- NP-Hard
- Given a 3-CNF is there an assignment of true/false to each variable to make the formula true
Reduce to $k$IS
- Create a graph, triangle grpahs of the CNFs, edges connecting each node to its complements in other graphs
- If there’s an independent set